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Saturday, April 19, 2008

Behind the First Annual World Fairy Festival 2008

Since I posted the article about the First Annual World Fairy Festival, I received a fair bit of enquiries about the myth of "fairies" and the upcoming festival. Here is an article from the Malaysia Official Website promoting this Festival:

The Story Behind the World Fairy Festival

Article source: http://worldfairyfestivalmalaysia.wordpress.com/about-world-fairy-festival/

In the spiritual world, fairies (elementals/elemental realms) are actually nature’s angels who protect our air, water, land, plants, and animals, keeping our planet green. It is believed the more we are willing to believe in fairies, the more power they have to help our environment. However even if fairies are still part of your make-believe rainbow and unicorns world, it doesn’t matter. As long as you have love for Mother Nature, it is all that matters.

The goal of World Fairy Festival is to educate about the reality of the natural world, and how the energies of fairies can improve our well-being and heal the Earth. First of all it is about having respect for our environment and all living on it: animals, plants, etc. Also, it is all about having fun! Imagination and play is as vital to health and happiness as a healthy diet. We believe fun is a necessity, not a luxury.

Our elemental realm are the trees, grass, flowers, shrubs, living creature’s, Gaia’s soil, vibration, Universal Life Force Energy, the air we inhale and exhale, the Sun’s warmth, the Moon’s cool tranquil glow, and our unseen light workers of the elemental kingdom. This is a day dedicated to them, our other half, and very part of our beingness!

More About Fairies

Article source: http://www.vikkianderson.com/Fairies/FairiesWorld.html

Fairies are a very general term describing any spiritual being who resides in or helps a particular part of nature. Some of them even become an object for its entire life. For instance, it is said that some Oak Tree Fairies would actually merge with the oak tree and live a considerable number of years growing older and wiser and seeing the Earth and its inhabitants evolve. Apparently, the fairies are not pleased with the evolution of mankind or our environment and have been retreating into objects or stay hidden from humans so that we may never know the pleasure of having them around us to help.

It is said that fairies were very common when civilization was young and eventually as countries were settled. With the continued settling of the country, the wee-ones felt they were being pushed out of their homes and natural environments. In defense, many of them turned themselves into wild animals to protect themselves against these stranger or intruders. It is not that fairies are nasty, although some have been known to be, it is just that they have a limited resource, Earth, and they see us slowly but surely destroying it. They can guide us and offer to help with our new obsession of recycling and saving Mother Earth, yet it seems too much damage has already been done. There are Earth Fairies who protect our environment and the planet. They are trying to make all of us aware of our natural resources and the limited time that is left before we have exhausted all of our renewable resources. They are trying so hard to help us only if we would listen to our intuitions and let them.

Fairies or Sprites (male fairies) hide in meadows and fields and particularly love flowers and tall grasses. They love to spy on humans to see what we are up to, and are particularly playful, like human children. They may even try to get your attention in unusual places and in strange ways. Sometimes, it might feel like a bug is crawling on you and you try to brush it off but there was nothing there! Or if you are walking through a field or meadow and you are suddenly aware of wiping cob webs from your face. Usually cobwebs aren’t found at that level and have nothing to cling onto in an open field, so again, it is “the little ones” trying to make you realize they are awaiting you to invite them into their lives.


The elemental fairies are broken down into different categories depending upon their responsibility. The elements are fire, earth, air and water. Sometimes either is also used as an element, but being ether is from which all elements come, we usually do not use it.

Fire Fairies correlate to Aries, Leo and Sag in the zodiac and their elemental name is “salamander.” Their subdivision is a very short one. It consists of the salamander and the flame spirits. Those two subdivisions of fire take care of all the needs of this elemental.

Earth Fairies correlate to Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn in the zodiac and refer to the ever-popular “gnome.” The earth subdivision is a little more complex. It indicates two major subdivisions of the surface fairies and the underground fairies. The surface fairies consist of tree and wood or garden fairies. The underground fairies consist of the rock spirits or gnomes.

Air Fairies correlate to Gemini, Libra and Aquarius in the zodiac and have the “sylph” as its representative. Air fairies are broken into two categories. One is the sylph and the other subdivision is the nature spirits which include the cloud, storm and dragon spirits.

Water Fairies correlate to Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces in the zodiac and are called “undines.” This group is subdivided into salt and fresh water. The fresh water spirits are called undines. The salt water consists of water babies, sea sprites and storm fairies.

Although the little spirits go by these names, I usually just refer to them by their element since calling them their rightful name may bring totally different concepts of what the fairies would look like. In fact, fairies can be many shapes, colors and sizes, but frequently take on human form because they know that’s what we expect to see. If you suppose they would look like an animal, they will. If you believe they will look very ethereal and spirit like, you wish is their command. Their intent is to make you comfortable with their form – their intentions are usually honorable and caring.

Fire Fairies can make and controls fire or make fire burn out of control, depending upon the circumstance.

Earth Fairies are usually mischievous and like to hide things, but eventually return them to you if you ask nicely. I usually call upon my Earth Fairies to help me locate lost items. They also protect the flora of our planet.

Air Fairies control the different air currents related to wind, storms, tornadoes, hurricanes, etc., but also the nice warm breezes of summer.

Water Fairies control the water flow of rivers and oceans and help heal the water bodies as much as possible in light of world pollution. They even turn the water into ice and snow in the winter and then can turn the dew to frost.


Serene said...

that's so cool. I've always believed in fairies and stuff like that when I was a little girl until I got tricked by my friend x_x if they really do exist I'll be damn happy lol

andrew khor said...

krysta lynn ...thanks for your comment. The truth is they have always been around. But since we do not acknowledge their presence, they stay away. Put it this way, if a friend wants to play with you but you don't acknowledge that friend, will that friend come forward to play with you?

If you want to communicate with them, just send them loving thoughts. Just close your eyes and say, beautiful loving fairies, i acknowledge your presence, please share with me your love, your joy and your wisdom.

Do this at night before you sleep and do this often, you may be surprised at the results.