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Wednesday, April 9, 2008

About Drunvalo Melchizedek

One lazy afternoon, in the midst of a casual conversation with a good friend of mine, Andrew Khor (founder & healer of Khoracle), he uttered the name of a spiritual guru as his inspiration. At first, I thought it sounded like Latin or Russian (not that I'm familiar with those languages either) and when he repeated again, I quickly took the initiative to memorize the syllables Andrew uttered.

By the time I got home and got my compulsory kisses from my two daughters, I ran to my notebook and quickly googled that 7 syllables that I barely could remember.

After 12 tries and combining words like "spiritual" or "spiritual guru" in the google search box, I finally found the man. Ladies & Gentlemen, let me present to you Mr.Drunvalo Melchizedek.
Of course to most of you who have been on the spiritual path longer than I am would have heard of this great man. I spent the next 3 hours googling whatever information I could find on Drunvalo, including his list of books in Amazon and even YouTube, just to see how he looks like. Googling, of course, became easier now since I know exactly how to spell and pronounce his name.
After learning much of Drunvalo, I can only kick myself for not getting to know of his writings long time ago since I'm such an avid reader. Well, not too late, as I've just added two of his books into my collection of 'Must Buy' and planning a trip to Borders over the weekend.

About Drunvalo Melchizedek

Biography & Picture taken from http://www.drunvalo.net/bio.html

Drunvalo is the author of three books including The Ancient Secrets of the Flower of Life, Volumes I and II and his newest one, Living in the Heart. Actually, he has a new book released early this year, "Serpent of Light: Beyond 2012".

Drunvalo also founded the Flower of Life Workshops with over 300 trained and certified facilitators teaching in over sixty countries.

He is the Editor-in-Chief of the international Internet magazine, Spirit of Ma’at, http://www.spiritofmaat.com/ with over 1 million viewers each year.

Drunvalo is a world traveler and has given workshops, seminars and lectures on sacred geometry, human energy fields, spirituality, meditation and living in the heart in 45 countries.
His meditation with the angels and his work with prana and energy healing has helped tens of thousands of people. Drunvalo has expressed that healing in these areas are of extreme importance for the difficulties with one's own body often stops us from continuing on our spiritual path. His research on the 3rd dimension with natural products and methods to help heal Mother Earth and all life forms is also a major focus in his life.

Though written long ago, here is an excerpt about Drunvalo’s life from his first two books, the Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life, Volume I and II.

I majored in physics and minored in mathematics at the University of California at Berkeley until I was just about to receive my diploma. I only needed one more quarter to graduate. I decided I didn't want the degree because I discovered something about physicists themselves that turned me off to the idea of becoming involved in a science that I realized was no science at all. This in itself could be a book, but the 'why' of it is related to the same subject that we talk about with archeologists. Physicists, just like archeologists, will turn their heads to the Truth if it means too much of a change too fast. Perhaps the real truth is that this is human nature. So I switched to the other side of my brain and started majoring in fine arts. My counselors thought I was nuts. "You're going to give up a physics degree?" they asked. But I didn't need it, didn't want it. Then to graduate I had to go for two more years majoring in fine arts. Finally, I was in my last quarter before getting my degree in fine arts, thinking "I don't know if I can do this. I'm so tired. I just can hardly handle this."

Then Kent State happened. The whole school system across the United States closed down, and they gave all the students straight Bs and let them go. So I got my fine arts degree without having to finish the last little bit.

My changing majors makes sense now, because when you study the ancient writings, you find out that the people of the time perceived art, science and religion as being interwoven, interconnected. So the programming that I was putting myself through was appropriate for what I'm doing now.

Moving to Canada

I got my degree in 1970. Then, after being in Viet Nam and looking at what was happening in our country at that time, I finally said, "I've had it! This is it! I don't know how long I'm going to live or what's going to happen, but I'm just going to be happy and do what I've always wanted to do. "And I decided to get away from everything and go live in the mountains, like I had always wanted to do.

So I left the United States and went to Canada, not knowing there would be ten of thousands of Vietnam war protesters following me a year later. I married a woman named Renee and the two of us went way back into the middle of nowhere, and found a little house on a lake called Kootenay Lake. We were a long way away from anything. You had to walk four miles from the nearest road to get to my house. So we were really isolated. And I began to live my life exactly like I had always wanted to live. I had always wanted to see if I could live on nothing; so I gave it a try.

It was a little scary at first, but it got easier as time went on, and pretty soon I became adept at natural living. I lived a wonderful and full life on basically no money. After a while I realized, hey, this is a lot easier than holding a job in a city! I only had to work hard for about three hours a day, then I had the rest of the time off. It was great. I could play music and run around and have a good ol' time. And that's exactly what I did. I had fun. I played music about ten hours a day, with lots of friends who came from miles around. Our place had gained quite a reputation by then. An average of about eleven people per day showed up to play music and enjoy — and we just had fun.

And in this act, which is very important to my understanding now, I discovered something about myself. It was from this — returning to my inner child is how I phrase it these days — that my inner child was released, and in that releasing, something happened to me, which was the catalyst that led into my life as it is today.

Meeting the Angels

While in Vancouver, my wife and I decided we wanted to know about meditation, so we started studying with a Hindu teacher who lived in the area. We were very serious in wanting to understand what meditation was about. We had made white silk robes with hoods and were very serious about this new endeavor we had begun.

Then, one day, after practicing meditation for about four or five months, two tall angels about ten feet high appeared in our room! They were right there. One was green and one was purple. We could see through their transparent bodies, but they were definitely there. We did not expect this appearance to take place. We were just following the instructions that our Hindu teacher was giving us. I don't believe he fully understood as he kept asking us many questions and he didn't seem to understand either. From that moment on, my life was never the same. It wasn't even close.

The first words the angels said were, "We are you." I had no idea what they meant. I said, "You're me?" Then, slowly they began to teach me various things about myself and the world, and about the nature of consciousness ... until finally my heart just completely opened to them. I could feel tremendous love from them which totally changed my life.

Over a period of many years, they led me to about seventy different teachers. They would actually tell me the address and the phone number of the teacher I was to go see. They would tell me either to call first or just show up at his or her house. So I would do this — and it would always be the right person! Then I would be instructed to stay with that person for a certain length of time.

Sometimes, right in the middle of a particular teaching, the angels would say, "Okay, you're done. Leave."I remember when they sent me to Ram Dass. I hung out in his house for about three days wondering what the heck I was doing there; then one day I went to touch him on the shoulder to say something and I got a zap that practically knocked me on the floor. And that was it — the angels said, "That's it. "You can leave now." And I said, "Okay." Ram Dass and I became friends, but whatever I was supposed to learn from him was over within that one second.

The teachings of Neem Karoli Baba, Ram Dass's teacher, are very important to me. It was his belief that "the best form to see God is in every form". I've also been exposed to Yogananda's work and cherish who he was. And later we'll be talking about Sri Yukteswar and some of his work. I've been intensely involved in almost all the major religions. I've resisted the Sikhs, because I do not believe that military preparation is necessary, but I've studied and practiced almost all the rest of them, Muslim, Jewish, Christian, Hindu, Tibetan Buddhist. I've deeply studied Taoism & Sufism — spent eleven years with Sufism. Through all this, the most powerful teachers for me, however, have been the Native American Indians. It was the Indians who opened the doorway for all my spiritual growth to take place. They've been a very powerful influence in my life.

All the world's religions are speaking of the same Reality. They have different words, different concepts and ideas, but there's really only one Reality, and there's only one Spirit moving through all life. There might be different techniques to get there, but there's only that is real, and when you're there you know it. Whatever you want to call it — you can give it different names — it's all the same thing.

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