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Sunday, May 25, 2008

[Video] Marriage & Children

Should people be "married" to have children? Marriage is promoted by society and religions for a reason. Having a father and mother will help the children develop more so than a child being raised by a single-parent. If a couple chooses not to be married when having children, at the least, it is better for the couple to be living together.


Do you have to be married to have children?

This is a real dilemma for society. After the two world wars, society is being torn apart. In order to compensate for this loss we have created days in the year where families get together, like Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Many children in the US and Europe are being raised by a single parent, usually the mother. Children suffer because parents are not committed to a marriage and fathers are forced by the courts to pay child support. Within a marriage, because there is commitment, the family does not go through a bad experience. For the good of society, a man and a woman should be either married or at least living together. A child is complete when it has both parents living together. Children are very sensitive and they can sense that something is lacking in a family's life. At least in early childhood it is important that both mother and father live together.

Furthermore, for a better society it is good not to have children without marriage or at the very least commit to living together when you have them. Beyond being merely a piece of paper, a marriage should have harmony while raising children. By being nurtured in this way a child will grow up to be someone useful in society. Both parents' presence teaches children by example.

Society has become violent because of the lack of good foundation at home during the young age of a child's development. Love is lacking from either the mother or the father.

It is time for families to come together again. The courts are recognizing this and they are refusing to grant divorce so freely in order to help the family reconstruct itself. Good families have good values. A mother should have good judgment about having children. She needs to be wise. After all, a mother is the child's first teacher. It is very important for the sake of a good society, a good nation, and a better world that good values are established within families.

To find out more about Yogeesh Ashram & Dr. Acharya Shree Yogesh, see earlier posts:

Go Beyond Positive & Negative

The Significance of AUM, OHM or OM

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