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Sunday, May 25, 2008

[Video] Keys to Self-realization / Enlightenment

This is a frequently asked question and when asked most people will say that they already know themselves. However, to know oneself is a difficult thing.

There are steps to self-realization. First, the human body consists of a gross body and a subtle body. In order to realize oneself a person's gross body needs to be cleared of blockages.

There are three channels in the body -- ira, pingla and shushumna.

In ira -- breathing takes place through the left nostril. This is the moon channel(cool).

In pingla -- breathing takes place through the right nostril. This is the sun channel.

In shushumna -- breathing takes place equally through both nostrils. It is the center of the backbone.

A person that is always balanced and always in shushumna is already self-realized. This is a difficult technique to master because typically a person is imbalanced, either in anger or in love. The key to balance is in your hand and the lock is in front of you. But you cannot see it. When a diamond is in your hand you think it is a piece of rock.

A blind man was lost in a big fort miles and miles long and only with a single door. Someone told him that he can find the door if he keeps walking with his hand always on the wall. He said he didn't mind walking and so he kept on going for miles. As soon as he got close to the door his body started itching so he removed his hand from the wall to scratch himself while he kept on walking. He missed the door. He kept on walking and repeating this several times. The key is in his hand, the door is there but he cannot see it.

We are deluded and that is why we cannot be self-realized. The reason is because we cannot stay balanced. If we can be always in shushumna we are balanced. Even a wild animal coming towards you cannot harm you because he will sense that you are not violent.

Balance is the key to be self-realized. Of all the paths, this is the easiest one. If your breath flows always equally in both channels you will always be in touch with your soul. This is the simplest way.

To find out more about Yogeesh Ashram & Dr. Acharya Shree Yogesh, see earlier posts:

Keys to Self-Realization / Enlightenment

The Significance of AUM, OHM or OM

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