Sufficient and workable individual and social solutions exist for the wide range of ecological, economic, social and personal ills facing the biosphere and humanity; and together they could herald in a new era of global ecological sustainability.
Long predicted Earth crises -- including climate change, water shortages, abject poverty, extreme weather, food shortages, over-population, biological homogenization, energy scarcity, diminished oceans, political instability and endless resource wars -- are unfolding as expected, and are converging into a new global ecological crisis of unprecedented magnitude. The fundamental root cause of this global crisis is that humans are destroying ecosystems necessary for all life.
Humanity has met and surpassed ecological limits. Failure to develop and implement profound personal and social change, adequate to respond to global ecosystems in mid-collapse, will have profound negative consequences for vast numbers of global citizens who are unable to meet basic needs including food, water, housing, education and health care. The task of our and all time is to find and implement sufficient solutions for the wide range of ills facing the biosphere and humanity. Ongoing arguments whether personal virtue or social enlightenment are the best strategies to promote are mute as frankly things are dire and we need lots of both.
Defining, personally embracing, and gaining social acceptance for a new global dream will require huge amounts of both personal and social change. Yet there is much to build upon, for even as the fateful hour of global ecological collapse nears, the Earth is blooming with responses to each of the symptomatic crises. From relocalized economies to community gardens, from having fewer children to better educating those we have, from driving less while living more richly where we find ourselves, by finding meaning in experience, knowledge and truth rather than competitive consumption, by rejecting ancient superstitions for an understanding that the Earth is alive and sacred -- a slowly awakening public is showing where there is knowledge and will there is hope. I see a new Earth rising.
New Earth Rising: Personal Redemption and Social Transformation
A new global dream of a sustainable, just and equitable world; where peace, truth and ecosystems are the foundation of fulfilling, experience rich lives, is emerging. We are witnessing a "New Earth Rising", a new global consciousness built upon profound individual awakening, that understands through science, intuition and direct observation that protection and restoration of ecological systems (with healthy doses of personal redemption and social transformation) is the meaning of life. This bright green Earth ethic needs to be nurtured to allow it to grow and prosper; displacing the corrosive, corrupt and unsustainable ethic of maximizing personal consumption at the expense of shared social values.
While the Earth and humanity will not emerge unscathed from the wide array of global ecological crises, there exist numerous well-known and well-studied personal and social changes that could dramatically increase the probability of humans, civilization, other species and the Earth surviving. In a globalized, interconnected world something as seemingly innocuous as eating, and how we meet other basic human needs, has profound meaning. What has been particularly lacking in addressing global crises is a comprehensive, integrated approach to all these issues; that seeks to develop and implement sufficient solutions.
New Earth Rising's global dream will stress working to protect and restore core ecological reserves globally while planting organic gardens locally, promoting incentives and sanctions to reduce population while personally reducing consumption, demanding urgent cessation of ecocidal and irredeemable industries such as coal and ancient forest logging while refusing to buy all Earth destroying products, urging investment to meet the full range of human needs for all while personally living rich and simple lives full of laughter and happiness, and the embrace of morality that stresses equity, fairness, sustainability and justice by and for all.
I have written extensively here regarding other elements of an ecologically based worldview, from which a fledgling think-tank named the Sustainability Solutions Initiative has emerged. There I preliminarily identify ten critical global ecological policies necessary to avert global ecological catastrophe while achieving global ecological sustainability at
As ecological limits continue to bite, responses of many types are possible. Technology has a place, but placing our full faith in a technological silver bullet is extremely dangerous because continuing advances are not assured, while unintended consequences are. Individuals and by extension society can dig in and prepare to use every last bit of fossil fuel and other non-renewable resources to prop up artificially high populations and living standards, or we can embrace a new dream of returning to the Earth's bounty, rhythms and limits.
The Earth's greatest remaining unknown is whether epidemic human populations will understand change is essential to survive, and begin to power down voluntarily. Personal inattentiveness is in fact a choice to push things to the very limit, completely undermining the biosphere and ensuring there remain few resources or ecosystems to allow any other type of decent life for humans and all species. As you awake to a New Earth Rising and help others to do so, be strong and resist small-minded ridicule and defensiveness. We are not only right, but together we are the Earth's future hope.
All this talk of ecological collapse may seem extreme, nonsense even. I would imagine that to communities in Darfur and the billions living on under $2 a day the apocalypse has arrived now. All it takes is one particularly bad harvest for these people to slip into starvation. Indeed, it is happening now. If we continue as we are the end of being is upon us. While I am saddened I try to not be afraid because positive individual and social change is possible, trends do not mean assured outcomes, and things can be different if we have vision, feel and care.
Real Spirituality
The technical and scientific tools to achieve global ecological sustainability must be informed by a new Earth ethic that is adequate to the times. The spirituality that is most real is found in our personal connection with the natural world and our responsibility toward her. I would suggest polytheistic ritual and worship of Gaia and nature, rejecting myths of ancient monotheistic gods that made the Earth and now sit in judgment of our every action, are a vital part of a New Earth Rising.
Many will continue to believe in ancient superstitions, and that is fine as long as you do not deny ecological fact, make your beliefs ecologically positive, and take responsibility for how your teachings are impacting these crises. Whatever your faith please consider yourselves stewards of the Earth, protect your habitat, be accountable and ethical, as you live up to the morals your god expects. While I still have doubts whether real fundamental change can come from within these structures, I challenge believers in ancient prophets to prove that accountability to an invisible creator is more likely to lead to an assured long-term future than humanity making informed, ecological science based policy decisions.
Whatever you believe, work on the big issues. Reject small easy victories for committing decisively to adequate solutions to the great issues of our day. And regardless if you win or lose, make a difference and do not be afraid to change. The Earth dramatically needs a small cadre of Earth peace-makers willing to do what it takes to save creation -- including partaking in revolution when other options are exhausted, and the need and opportunity arises.
Anyone thinking their life is going to remain unchanged by converging global crises that are fundamentally ecological in nature is delusional. Either you and your loved ones will be destroyed as ecosystems and society collapse, or how you live will be simplified as part of the global solution. It is hard to imagine how someone could be too radical regarding developing and rapidly propagating a new way of living to avert ecological crises destroying creation. Be the change.
1 comment:
The point is too many people are looking at the small picture.
Vested interests of personal enrichment and economic models based on competition are now outdated.
The earth has shown that if you do not respect it and ecologically destroy your own haven by polluting the sources of your food, you are asking for trouble.
For all of us survival means change to more benevolent principles of cooperation that sees the earth's abundance as meant for all.
But this change to a new or ancient spiritual ecological values of respect and sharing cannot take root unless a oneness principle is established - that humanity's survival is linked to that of the earth and vice versa.
When humanity pollutes the earth physically, he pollutes himself emotionally and mentally. He has shown no respect for the earth or for the others who share the earth with him.
As it is, separation in terms of race, religion and gender continues to prevent us from truly working together to create a more harmonious society capable of sharing the earth's abundance equitably.
All the millions stashed away in the vault is of no value when total anarchy reigns. The have-nots will take from the haves at the point of a gun merely to survive.
Will we ever learn?
Now more than ever cooperation and not competition has to be the new rallying cry for a new earth. The meaningless accumulation of wealth for wealth's sake will be seen for what it truly is, an egoistic selfish journey based on a scarcity consciousness.
To the extremely rich, after accumulating one billion, will the next billion do anything for you?
The Americans for the past 20 years have been building underground cities stockpiled with food and water for the survival of their elite. They have envisaged such a worst case scenario - while most govts are squabbling over economic rights.
But even if they survive and do not change to a new model of equitable sharing, their survival will not last. There will be no one left to squabble with once the last grain of rice or wheat has been consumed and the polluted earth can no longer sustain the growth of any food. I weep for democracy. It is a concept of the righteous manipulated by the covetous.
It is for certain that we have to return to the concept of smaller communities that live with sustainable spiritual,ecological and technological values that respect each other and the earth.
Or else there will be no one left standing on the surface of the earth.
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