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Friday, May 23, 2008

[Video] Go beyond Positive & Negative, Duality Illusion Spirituality

Positive and Negative are a part of the dual world. However, truth, soul, God, and spiritual masters are beyond the realms of duality. This is the highest state of consciousness. Self-Realization and Enlightenment go beyond positive and negative.

What happens when one goes beyond positive and negative?

Going beyond positive and negative is not an easy thing to do. This can only happen when a soul (a person) is in constant meditative state, where nothing affects him. In everything he does he is in meditation. This soul has crossed the positive and the negative that are the two sides of the same coin.

Krishna had two wives. The two wives wanted to visit an enlightened master. There was a river in their path so they asked Krishna if he could do something so they could cross the river. He told them to take food to the master and when they neared the bank of the river to ask, "If this master never ate in his life give us a path." So they went and did as they were told. The river parted and they went on to the master's place. They heard his words and became very happy. Before leaving they offered him food and the master ate all of the food as though he had never eaten in his life. Now it was time to leave but how would they cross the river again? They asked the master and he told them to ask the river the same question as they did before. The river responded and gave them a path to cross. When they came back to the palace they were full of confusion. How could the river open a path if he never ate? They saw him eat. They told Krishna about their confusion. Krishna said to them that although the master eats he is not eating. When he walks he is not walking. When he talks he is not talking. He is always in a meditative state. He eats because his body needs nourishment. He is not into the eating.

We eat for the sake of eating not because the body needs it. If a person can eat only because his body needs food he is in a meditative state. He is beyond positive and negative states. He is in a state of consciousness that is balanced. He is not affected by anger, love, hate, or compassion. A great person remains always the same, not affected by adversity or prosperity. This is the highest state of consciousness.

To find out more about Yogeesh Ashram & Dr. Acharya Shree Yogesh, see my earlier post.

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