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Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The Healing Powers of Music & Sound

By John Sherman
In BCLocalNews.com

We have all heard sounds that jar the bones and pleasant sounds that soothe deep into our souls.

Sound affects our senses beyond anything you could imagine.

Sound is used for healing and alternatively it is used for torture.

From a quantum physics point of view, we are all just vibration.

Sound is a disturbance of mechanical energy that propagates through matter as a wave.

Sound is characterized by the properties of sound waves, which are frequency, wavelength, period, amplitude and velocity or speed.

In physics, resonance is the tendency of a system to oscillate with high amplitude when excited by energy at a certain frequency.

This frequency is known as the system’s natural frequency of vibration or resonant frequency.

Now, imagine a time in the past when you may have been stressed, sad, anxious or even afraid. A song comes on the radio and all of a sudden, your mood shifts.

Music and sound on its own could possibly be one of the most powerful healing tools we have. In an instant, an emotional state can be transformed with sound; nothing else can do this.

Research has shown that music has a profound effect on your body and psyche. In fact, there is a growing field of health care known as music therapy, which uses music to heal.

Some people claim that if something is not tangible, meaning, they cannot hold it in their hands or swallow it as a pill it cannot be any good as a medicine; nothing, however, is further from the truth.

Music and sound is powerful enough to help Alzheimer’s patients remember with clarity the events of the most recent past.

Music can be used to stimulate an individual’s thought patterns when working on math problems. Music can help with relaxation and so many other areas of an individual’s life.

The point of all this is to illustrate that unseen forces can in fact be more powerful than forces that are in plain view.

Sound does not need to be heard to be beneficial.

Because of the universality of music, music therapy becomes an aid that can help people with impairments in vision and hearing.

The vibrations emitted from all types of sound are the healing force. All healing interventions must influence the body by somehow altering its frequency resonance

Picture this: A song from your past comes on the radio and instantly you are back at that point in time—maybe it was the song you played continuously in the summer of 1981 or was it the song that was playing when you met your first sweetheart.

What are those feelings and emotions that are stirred?

Whether we realize it or even choose to believe it, there are many things that affect our health. Still, the number one factor that will determine your ongoing level of health is your emotional state. Music, however, may be the great healer. In the field of “energy medicine,” it is well known that our universe is created through patterns of frequency. Science is now documenting what mystics of many traditions have known forever. Everything that exists in the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual realms exists on a vibratory basis.

This is obvious if you consider that electrons are always moving and vibrating.

Take some time during your day and consciously play some music—whatever type of music that makes you feel good.

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