Aliens, extra terrestrials, UFOs, crop circles and 2012; one might ask what all of these words have in common?
The inclusion of these words in one title and one sentence is for a reason. We are learning about our own DNA and how we came to be here on earth. We are considered sentient intelligent beings and are considered the ascension humanoid kind. We sentient intelligent beings of the ascension humanoid kind have much in common with others who are of the sentient intelligent beings species not of this galaxy. Aliens are a word we use to describe those not of this planet's origin.
The ETs are those who are extra-terrestrial beings not of earth origin. UFOs are what we call the alien ET spacecraft. Crop circles are the signs that were left prior to the hoaxes. 2012 is the year that the Mayan calendar ends. December 21,2012 is the date that we all are recognized and recorded as one species on earth by alien ETs intelligent being species.
We are to be aware of our place in this meta-universe. Some need the truth spelled out. Faith in the future of a species is important. Other beings on earth in the past were assisted from time to time and if one desires to recognize the truth, there is truth in patterns left on earth as an exordium.
Many of us believe in aliens, ETs, ascension intelligent beings, and that they are the creators of the real original crop circles. We also believe that the aliens or ETs are ascension intelligent beings and that they are our creators. In other words, they are us. Some times the truth repeats it´s self as do we. The truth will set us free and there are many who are calling for those who know the truth about aliens and their UFOs to share the truth with everyone on earth. All beings should know the truth about the alien Et UFOs and crop circles. But, not all will recognize the truth. Part of being a creative spirit is having faith in that which cannot be seen or experienced in the physical as in existentialism.
There are many of us on earth who relate to those not of this earth. More than the powers that be want to admit to the general global population. There are more of us coming out and finding our voice. There are those who desire to know why we as one species one earth have been kept out of the loop on the knowledge of the aliens and the UFOs that we know exist. We want to know of all the alien civilizations that have come to earth in our past and are our alien ancestors. We have been told some truth in our past history but not all. There are some who still believe in the truth of books that are considered history books and historical documents that have been left behind in caves by others who have lived on earth prior. There are some who have learned parts of the truth and have begun to mix the truth with lies created by prior nations and government world leaders. There are some who have been lead astray by those who thought they were sharing their knowledge of the truth. This is still the way it is on earth. There are some who know only what their minds can allow them to believe as the truth because that is what they were taught to believe by others.
We are they who desire to know as much as we can about our human existence on earth. We desire to know who we are, what we are here to accomplish, when we are leaving, where we are going when we leave earth, and why we exist. Many of us who desire to believe in our own soul's spiritual ascension already know that there is documentation of other beings that have come before and left us information on how to obtain ascension. This was documented in the past on earth. Some may find truth in part of the Holy Bible and the Holy Quran along with other scriptures not in these sacred text books. There are many scriptures that were published as it is said in our past that were not allowed into these books which are treated as holy and sacred scriptures of the world's largest religions. For many beings, science has become a religion. The majority of beings on earth believe in one God and not many gods. One might say that the original beginning was God. Some say in the beginning was the big bang. The truth is these are simply words. Atheists and agnostics are the minority.
There has been mention of other beings in the past that were different on earth. Different in many ways in their time because they spoke of ascension beings, and there was mention of them leaving or being taken up. Some believe in a big bang theory.
What caused the big bang a double big bang if not something that existed prior? There is always something changing so it appears knowledge is simply theories and speculation and no one has come up with answers to all and everything. The theory of everything is still a wide open topic of intellectual conversation not just among academia scholars but by all. We are at a point in time on earth where we realize that there is much that we thought we knew and now realize that we didn't know at all. We have attached sounds to things and called sounds words. What do we really know?
We thought that the speed of light was as fast as we could comprehend in this universe and now all of that has changed. Most all that we learned in school in the twentieth century is changing. Just like the universe is in constant flux, so are we as one intelligent being species. We know this and we feel this more so now than ever before.
We are those who will define our new universe with others of our kind.
There are other sentient intelligent beings in other galaxies who are considered similar and quite possibly our ancestors or at least familiar with our ancestors and the history of earth. There are recorded words in the Holy Bible that God is spirit.
What are we to believe is truth in our religions and in our sciences? There has been documentation on earth about others who came and we are finding ancient cities and artifacts. Part of the truth in our stories on earth may be truth and another part may be missing. Our ancestors may have known that our ancestors have predicated a time on earth for those sentient intelligent beings on earth to regain the knowledge that has been lost through time. There has been a time created for revealing the truth and this is explained in ancient texts if one knows where to look for the truth. There is truth and there are signs of the truth. The Mayan calendar is one artifact that may lead us to the truth about 2012. We are to know the truth of our origin. There are some on earth now who know the truth, and some who know parts of the truth. There are many who work in positions of authority who think they know the truth. There are many who know parts of the truth but not all, not yet anyway.
There are many thoughts on whom or what has made the crop circles. It is documented that the original crop circles were prior to those first thought to have been made or created in 1978. We know that there is documentation on file of some made in 1975. There are pictures that were made by prior beings on earth that show the similar pictographs on stone in caves and elsewhere. There are so many new clues as to what has been shared with prior people of earth now for us to share and find once again. There are signs in art. There are UFOs in the art. There are aliens and ETs in the art. There are crop circles in the art. The answers that others knew in the past will now be presented once again as the all knowing truth. Truth comes back in many forms for those who desire to know the truth. This time, there will be no turning back for it is time for our species to progress and to claim our direction toward the ascension process and to become as others who have came and went before.
Crop Circles Found In Czech Republic
There are signs of reality in many places that share the truth with those who desire to know and seek our truth. We recognize that there are tricksters and those who have created some crop circles. Regardless of the truth, there are always copycats and those who will try to outwit others. We have creators of art. Some created crop circle artwork on land. There are some real alien crop circles created that can be seen from the air just as the pictographs that were left by beings on earth in the past. There are many questions left unanswered that are simple to those who understand the truth.
Twenty percent of the crop circles found since 1978 are considered real and without explanation. There are more than one explanation of the crop circles. Some crop circles are explained to exist in our ancient history. Are we ready to accept the truth as others in our past knew the truth to be? Are we educated beyond our own existence?
If our alien visitors turn out to be our creators will many beings on earth claim the truth to be fallacies based on their beliefs in science? What if our scientist taught some truth but not all? The same holds true to philosopher's and other disciplines. Are we to believe that we originated in the heavens, in space? The truth may be known already but we fail to see the truth because it is so simple. There are reasons for everything and there is a time and season on earth to know all. There is a time of knowing and revealing truth in all things. Maybe this is why we are here to become more like our creators who are much more intelligent beings than we are presently. We may be here to evolve as we revolve on planet earth through eternal progression.
Things change and so do we. We are here to learn the truth about our past, present, and future of earth. Those who know more of the truth may not want everyone to know the truth. There may be some who know only a part. Governments who have proprietary control of UFOs and dead alien bodies are controlling things placed here to be studied to bring about awareness for all beings. Discussion on earth about truth is power is now becoming an issue. Communication of truth requires others who have the truth and power to relinquish and share the knowledge and truth. Science and religion may be parts of the same truth. Words are simply sounds and descriptions of energy.
There are sentient intelligent beings on earth now that have access to energy communication devices. Sharing in the awareness of knowledge and communication of the truth should be known and shared by all. Knowledge to secrets should not be considered a privilege of the elite class or the controllers of governments. Not all presidents of the United States have been told the truth about the alien ETs, UFOs, or EBEs. Only certain people in the government with clearance levels with a need to know have some part of the truth but not all.
There is no one person alive who knows it all. The United States government did not tell all men who were to be President in the past. Some military knowledge was not shared with the Pentagon. Some knowledge is controlled by certain people. The earth intelligent beings are not as well informed as they think.
There are places where much knowledge is recorded but some has been destroyed and some was never put in the archives. Fifty years is a long time to keep military secrets. Some secrets were never recorded as truth. How many alien species not of earth origin do we know about in total if we compare all governments intelligence on earth? There may be over 57 species and counting. How many different types of UFOs are there?
UFO spotted in New Mexico
Religions and governments of the world are realizing the power to keep the truth from the mass population of earth is not possible any longer. Some governments and religions do not know the whole truth. They will learn along with the mass population of earth. This is the age of revealing prior to 2012. The alien ET UFOs and crop circles are here to reveal what we are to know prior to 2012. Alien civilizations exist.
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