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Sunday, July 27, 2008

Rainbow Goddesses

An original article written by Padma Menon.

The Goddesses met for the second time.

Our first task was to choose a name. There were a few names and it was unanimously decided as Rainbow Goddesses.


Yes, that is what we are and that is what we will always be. We intend to radiate and spread all the magnificent hues of the rainbow without fear of favour. So there we are, the Rainbow Goddesses have evolved just waiting to spread love, kindness and peace wherever we breathe.

We had prepared a daily Journal to help all of us in the evolution. The Journal was distributed. All the ten aspects/portions were explained and discussed. This Journal is for a 40 day period. A few copies are available still from Khoracle.

Why we chose 40 days? As it was explained to the ladies, 40 seem to have a mystical air. Prophet Muhammad fasted for 40 days in the desert, so did Jesus and Mosses. All of them seemed to have had a discourse with the Divine for 40 days. Many fasts, observance, abstinence in many religious practices are for the duration of 40 days.

It is our sincere hope that all of us will be better individuals i.e. more forgiving, understanding, loving, thoughtful, competent and happier with our lives, living it to the brim with a perfect health and mindset with the completion of the Journal.

There were 5 new members and all of them were welcomed to the group. On retrospect, I am just wondering if we should have an initiation ceremony. Perhaps by forming an arch to represent the rainbow and all new members to walk through it. Who knows with the many talented Goddesses, someone could come up with a song? This is food for thought.

Once everyone was sure how to handle the Journal and were familiar with the contents we watched a slide show entitled “Who I am makes a difference.” The show was on how to honour a person by presenting him/her with a blue ribbon and saying “Who you are makes a difference.” Very often we fail to tell our loved ones this phrase. In this story, the son feels very dejected, useless and not loved; so he decides to take his life. That night the father comes home with the blue ribbon and presents it to the son. He tells his son that he is a great kid and that he is sorry that he had not paid much attention to him except for finding faults and telling him he was messy etc. He also tells him he loved him dearly and he was the most important person in his life besides his mother. The boy breaks down and is sorry. So is the father.

The slide show turned many eyes misty. What we had to learn was each individual is important and who we are does make a difference. So start practicing of taking every opportunity to deliver this strong message.

We had a short break with plenty of goodies brought by the ladies. I must say when it comes to bonding there is no greater bond than amongst the fairer sex and especially with the Rainbow Goddesses.

We moved on to expressing ourselves on how we had faired since the first rendezvous. Generally all of us felt we have to identify the need within us and move away from the blaming game and the habit. We should pause to think how often if anything goes wrong we quickly blame it on the others. If our child has a bad habit it his/her friends are not good, they are a bad influence”. Same reasoning goes for husbands it is always “they” who are causing the problem, they who are cultivating the bad habits they who are the bad influence; if there is a problem between the husband and wife, we will always blame the husband. We should stop this and look at things as a third person, try not to justify ourselves. This is definitely difficult but this habit can be cultivated with a concerted effort.

We should pay attention to the band of vocabulary we use when it comes to expressing our feelings. Most of the time, it is “sad/happy/lousy/terrible/so lost.” Can’t we bring in other feelings like excitement, expectations, clarifications, concern, apprehension, consolidation? We definitely need to look at this feeling at such times and not just focus on the emotional aspect. We must become aware and teach ourselves this technique of self enhancement.

One of the participants confessed that these days. i.e. after coming for the first Goddesses meet, she is able to control her anger better She works in her own company and very often she was irritated and agitated as her staff seldom completed their task on time. Since coming for the first meet, she made a concerted effort to put love first. She now realizes there are more to life than just work, money and achievement. She is less authoritative, speaks more kindly and lovingly to the staff and seeks their cooperation for anything she does. They are all friends now; no one is treated as a subordinate. She is more open, has more compassion and finds herself better mannered. She had never done this before; there is now a complete 360o change. Isn’t this a feather in the cap for the Rainbow Goddesses? Thank you, thank you, thank you Divine Universe.

I feel the Divine Energy is definitely with us and wants us to reach out to all Goddesses so as to awaken the feminine energy in each one of us. Many women have forgotten to connect to this feminine energy.

Coming back to our Goddesses. Look at the complete change in her dear ones. She had realized all of us were equal, there was no boss/subordinate demarcation, and it was no use being authoritative as nothing gets done then. She had become polite and worked with love. The simple four letter word had changed her world.

What would you expect in such a scenario? I think love, peace and joy would be oozing out of every pore. We are overjoyed to hear this mammoth achievement. Wait, wait she had not finished she has gone into meditation and she now has this phrase running in her mind all the time “put love first.” She finds more things are done easily and smoothly, business is better so is the environment at home and in the office.

At the end of the day, all everyone needs is a little love, kindness and the need to be wanted or acknowledged. Such simple and easy ingredients to make the cake of your life.

Another Goddess said she had never attended anything like this before. She was very positive the daily Journal is going to help her look at herself more openly and was sure people were going to change after seeing the change in her. Most Goddesses were very enthusiastic of the Journal; they felt they had something concrete to do daily. They felt they had the tools to recognize themselves and to move forward. We all agreed that we had to first heal ourselves and love ourselves before commenting on or blaming others.

Another Goddess felt the first article was very enlightening and made her realize the tremendous power of being “myself.” She is now working on bringing out the female energy and cutting down on the male energy in her. Before this, she was reluctant to dress up, felt there was no time as she was so bogged down with her work. After becoming a Rainbow Goddess and reading the article, it dawned on her that this was not what life was all about; she had to look hard and deep into herself. She started dressing more femininely, colored her hair and told herself she was in power. She felt and realized everything was within her. She kept telling herself “This is what I am. This is what I am learning and I am changing.” There is a complete switch in her and she is so grateful for this. Doesn’t it feel good to hear all these heart warming remarks? We are paving accomplishments into our lives. Good for you, Rainbow Goddesses!

Another felt her life had been a bumpy ride until the forum. The forum awakened her from a lot of things imprinted in her. She realized the true essence of intangible violence, the value of self respect and integrity in depth. She stood firmly in her believes and left her job. The wrestle between her and the soul came to an end. She faced reality - that was she was not true to herself and had no freedom. Whilst at work she has to follow company rules. She asked herself where the freedom was. This is what her soul wanted – free to do what she wants. She looked hard at herself and felt she had no power, she had sold her soul and in return what did she achieved was fear, insecurity, and confusion. She took stock of herself and the situation. The end result was, she needed to move on and she stood in a space of total surrender. What did she experience? A deep sense of purpose in life. She then moved on to reclaim her presence and power. She transformed from a caterpillar wrapped in a cocoon of fear, insecurity and confusion into a colourful, vibrant, free butterfly. Just, (re)born free. She said she is blessed to be in this space with the Rainbow Goddesses and is so grateful.

There are four points we must be aware of:

a) Blaming others
b) Blaming ourselves
c) We have to sense the feeling at that time of the issue, was it fear, guilt etc. Once we are able to pin point the feeling we must address it. Then we look at the need. Why did e do this?? What was the need? Was it for assurance for us or for clarification of the situation?
d) Similarly we have to do the same thing for the other person involved by sensing his/her feeling and need. If the feeling was anger, why was he angry? Was it because his privacy was encroached upon? What was his/her need- attention, assurance of privacy? Thus if at all times we stop and get a clarification of the feeling of yourself and the other person and then you care to find the need in that situation and stop blaming anyone inclusive of yourself; there will be no drama or havoc to take place.

Another major problem with many of us is we do not know how to relax. How many of us have really watched nature? Can you identify the difference in the chirping of birds or their different calls? Can you identify the sound of a squirrel? Ever heard the rain? Doing any of this is a sure way to relax. Not only that you will find joy and a calmness enveloping you. When we are happy, we vibrate at a higher level. Most of the time we operate from our lower chakras, we need to move to the higher chakra levels to be at peace with ourselves.

We were taught an easy way to achieve this by using the violet flame. All you have to do is imagine a violet flame, then immerse yourself in it; see yourself burning and allow the flame to go through all the seven chakras (a chakra chart is attached with the journals). Then you imagine a Golden Light coming from the sun; allow this golden light to flood your heart and then rest there. Next imagine yourself going through the physical, ethereal and spiritual levels. This little exercise will bring you peace and love. You become a constant supplier of peace and love.

When you are in peace and love, you definitely vibrate at a higher level. In this way you are also doing well for Mother Earth. If things do not work out just surrender and heal. Remember when we are whole and perfect, no issue or situation is impossible to be solved or settled. Move from one issue to another; work on all issues until there is none. Remember issues only help us to grow and gain experience. Only when there are no issues you become whole and perfect.

All of us have the Goddess within us. All we have to do is take steps to awaken her and listen to her and ask her to guide us in our daily lives. Start each day with a short prayer to her asking her to guide and lead us and to allow us to do her work daily.

Thus ended our second meet, for the next meet we will dwell deeply on affirmations, goal setting in and for our lives.

We ended with a short meditation. Many of us felt Mother Earth was with us, she blessed us with a symbol.

Till we meet again
Peace love and light


Padma Menon does Angel-Card Reading at Khoracle, Malaysia on every Tuesday and Wednesday. During the reading, you will be clearly shown the light at the end of the tunnel. And you will be provided with clear steps on the action that you need to take. Anticipation is better than ignorance. Call the Khorcale at +603 80606970 or +6012 910 5812 for a booking.

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